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Shown below are other items we are now offering for sale. This will include books published by other individuals whose work appears in our publications. We will also be offering art work featured in our books as well, both originals,  prints and greeting cards. These will change from time to time so do stay tuned—and don’t be afraid to support your local writers and artists. 


Delightful Birds I have Known

Click here to purchase Jewels of Nature

Backyard Wonders: Exploring Nature at Home

Buy this book HERE

Alan Haney


      Nature is complex, full of mysteries, as well as plenty of drama.  Although they surround us, we often fail to see natural phenomena, and notice only the most conspicuous organisms that drive them.  Backyard Wonders is a collection of essays based on observations in Alan Haney’s central Wisconsin backyard.  Alan’s backyard is unique only in the sense that every place is different, with different plants and animals in a different setting, but the stories he tells unpack natural phenomena that are universal.  Parallels or similar examples can be found the world over.

      In nature, we soon discover that everything is connected.  As Alan describes, take any plant or animal at random, unravel its life, and you find it connected to dozens, even thousands of other organisms, and each of these is connected to others.  Some will be predators.  Some will be competitors.  Some will be beneficial to one or more other organisms, perhaps mutually so.  Every organism depends in varying degrees upon other organisms. Together, these species weave the web of life upon which, directly or indirectly, all of our lives depend.  Unraveling these connections even a little is humbling, and astounding, and reveals the incredibly rich diversity under our feet and around (as well as in) our homes.

      Alan is an ecologist who taught college and conducted field research for over 40 years.  He has spent his adult life studying and interpreting nature.  He has been described as “wise, and insightful, with an ability to take the reader with him into the natural world.”  The complexity of nature is such that the more we discover, the more we find that we did not know. Explaining some of that complexity is precisely what Backyard Wonders does.  Whether you are young or old, have only a passing interest in nature, or are an avid naturalist, Backyard Wonders will open new insights.



If you wish to pay with a check or money order, please send  your payment to:

Journal from the Heartland
c/o Eleonore Hebal
P.O. Box 194
Amherst, WI 54406

The cost of Volume 1 is now $9.95  + $3.25 shipping & handling. A total of $13.20 per book.

The cost of Volume 2 is now $13.95 + $3.25 shipping & handling. A total of $17.20 per book.

Your order will be shipped 1-4 days after your payment is received. Please email journalfromtheheartland@gmail.comor write to us with any questions or concerns.

Journal from the Heartland, Volume 2, Close to Home, is currently being printed. Stay tuned for more newsfrom Blue Bus Publishing!

*If you are a vendor that would like to purchase 10 or more copies at wholesale cost, please email journalfromtheheartland@gmail.com. You will need a valid vendor number to complete the transaction.